Virginia Senator Introduces Casino Bill

Virginia state Senator L. Louise Lucas (l.) once again introduce legislation that would establish a state gaming commission and direct casino tax revenues toward reducing tolls on specified roadways. Lucas noted 39 states have legal casino gambling. "I hope Virginia and Utah won't be the last," she said.

Virginia Senator Introduces Casino Bill

The Virginia General Assembly convened on January 8 for its 60-day session, and state Senator L. Louise Lucas once again introduced a bill to allow casino gambling. Lucas said her bill, SB 19, “Virginia Casino Gaming Commission; regulation of casino gaming, penalties” would create a gaming authority and allow casino gambling in qualified localities. Also, the bill would specify that 90 percent of revenue would go to the Toll Mitigation Fund to help reduce tolls on particular roadways.

Said Lucas, “Transportation is most near and dear to my heart, but I don’t like tolls. Thirty-nine states already have casinos. I hope Virginia and Utah won’t be the last two. You build it and they’ll come.” She added, “If you can raise money otherwise, fine.”

Lucas, a state senator since 1992, said because nothing was written into law when the state lottery was established, money from ticket sales was directed into a general fund. She stated her bill specifically spells out that casino taxes would be used for roads and bridges.

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