Arizona Tribe Plans Major Gaming Development

Following successful gaming compact negotiations with Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, the San Carlos Apache Reservation hopes to expand gaming, possibly with a new casino. The compact is good for 20 years.

Arizona Tribe Plans Major Gaming Development

San Carlos Apache Reservation (SCAT), spurred by successful tribal state gaming compact negotiations with Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, is planning major tribal gaming developments.

The tribe has negotiated with the governor since 2016. The new compact will be good for 20 years beyond the original, which ends in 2026. Apache Chairman Terry Rambler recently signed the new compact.

In a statement he said, “The new compacts expand on nearly thirty years of tribal gaming success and ensure that it will continue to benefit our people into the future.” He added, “I want to recognize the Gaming Negotiations Team and the Tribal Council for their efforts in securing our rights with this Compact, while ensuring new opportunities and a more prosperous future for our people.”

The compact will allow the tribe to operate a new casino, in addition to the Apache Gold Casino and Apache Sky Enterprise it currently operates. It will also be able to add craps, roulette and baccarat and a limited number of new slots.

The new compacts Ducey signed with the state’s gaming tribes also authorize 10 sports betting licenses to be distributed among professional sports teams and 10 licenses for tribes.

SCAT Vice Chairman Tao Etpison commented, “We support the commercial gaming legislation as it potentially creates opportunities for our operation. Leadership will review this legislation and whether it would be prudent to apply for one of the tribal sports betting licenses.”

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