California Casino Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Bear River Casino Hotel in Northern California had two things to celebrate last week: its 10th anniversary and the completion of a remodeling job that gives it a fun Las Vegas look.

Bear River Casino Hotel near Eureka, in Northern California last week celebrated its tenth anniversary by the unveiling of a remodeling job. According to General Manager John McGinnis the purpose of the renovation was to create a “Las Vegas atmosphere that will be new, exciting, fun, and adventurous.”

It included a new air circulation system that moves fresh air in and smoky air out three times faster than previously. He added, “It has given the Casino a very new-age Las Vegas feel, and is modern and spacious. It is what we needed to make our patrons feel comfortable and let them know how much we care.”

In a related development, the casino and Caltrans (California Department of Transportation) settled a dispute about the casino’s electronic billboard along U.S. Highway 101.

Caltrans determined that the billboard was built without proper state permits. The rancheria agreed to pay fines and get the necessary permits. The billboard was put by mistake in state right-of-way and no permits were ever sought. Trees and shrubs belonging to the state were also cut without permission.

The tribe was liable to pay a fine of $10,000 per tree and $1,000 per shrub, however a lower (undisclosed) amount was negotiated. The tribe is required to replant the vegetation it cut down.

The sign’s presence will also be subject to a review by the Coastal Commission.