Flutter Takes Different Approach to Gambling Harm

Flutter Entertainment CEO Conor Grant (l.) says his company will switch its approach to dealing with gambling harm by trying to prevent problems before they happen. The five-step plan comes after months of work.

Flutter Takes Different Approach to Gambling Harm

In the past Flutter Entertainment focused on intervening when gambling harm problems flared up. They have a new strategy to try and prevent such problems before they arise, according to iGaming Business.

Flutter U.K. and Ireland chief executive Conor Grant called it “a refreshed and comprehensive” approach for each market.

“The strategy is the culmination of many months of hard work, bringing together the best from across our existing businesses, gathering insights from industry experts, customers and colleagues to identify priority issues to focus on, and challenging areas where we need to go further,” Grant said.

The effort depends on five principles: discover, educate, empower, understand, and support.

The discover principle seeks to advance understanding of gambling harm. Educate will attempt to improve all customers’ and colleagues’ understanding of gambling harm. Empower creates protection measures so customers can use Flutter’s products safely.

Understand relates to identifying players who exhibit high risk behavior, and support concerns customer interaction.

“Safer gambling has always been a central part of our culture and colleagues from across the business are committed to the successful delivery of this ambitious strategy and making every moment safe for customers,” Grant said.

Flutter has repurposed its board-level risk committee as the risk and sustainability committee.