Former Argosy Executives Float Illinois Casino Proposal

Joseph Uram and Jeff Roberts, former Argosy Gaming executives, have proposed a 14,000-square-foot casino at the Decatur, Illinois Conference Center & Hotel. The city council may take up the idea at its January 19 meeting. The facility would offer 600 slots, create 200 jobs and generate $3 million in annual tax revenue.

As early as its January 19 meeting, the city council in Decatur, Illinois soon may consider a proposal for a casino at the Decatur Conference Center & Hotel, said the facility’s owner Steve Horve. He stated former Argosy Gaming Company executives Joseph Uram and Jeff Roberts would develop the 14,000 square foot project, located in the property’s atrium that would offer 400-600 slots, create 200 new jobs and generate million in annual tax revenue for the city.

Decatur was included among other potential casino-host cities in a measure introduced in last year’s legislative session. In Illinois, the legislature determines the number and general locations of casinos licenses, which are awarded by the Illinois Gaming Board, which also decides specific sites.

Horve said the casino, which could be completed in four months, would allow him to renovate the remaining 185 of the hotel’s 370 and add more food and beverage amenities and other options.

City Manager Tim Gleason said adding a casino at the conference center is exciting but also raises concerns such as gambling addiction. However, the developers said the operation would bring numerous benefits to the city, including tax revenue and jobs.

Currently 10 casinos operate in Illinois.