The National Indian Gaming Commission is inherently a apolitical organization in the federal government. Even though it is housed under the Department of the Interior, it is still an independent agency. So a change of administration doesn’t impact the NIGC as much as it might Interior. Chairman Jonodev Chaudhuri and Vice Chairwoman Kathryn Isom-Clause sat down with GGB Publisher Roger Gros in April at the Indian Gaming tradeshow in San Diego to discuss the transition between the Obama and Trump administrations and how the commission has been staying the course.
GGB PODCAST: Jonodev Chaudhuri, Chairman, and Kathryn Isom-Clause, Vice Chairwoman, National Indian Gaming Commission
This week, the GGB Podcast features the leaders of the National Indian Gaming Commission, Chairman Jonodev Chaudhuri, and Vice Chairwoman Kathryn Isom-Clause, about how their agency is changing as a result of a new president.