GLOBAL GAMING BUSINESS PODCAST: Jonodev Chaudhuri, Chairman, National Indian Gaming Commission

This week, the GGB Podcast features a discussion with Jonodev Chaudhuri, who was recently confirmed by the U.S. Senate as chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission.

After two nomination hearings, Jonodev Chaudhuri was finally approved by the Senate to become the chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission. He has been serving on the commission for well over a year, but some procedural issues delayed his appointment as chairman. Now in the hot seat, Chaudhuri has been campaigning on the effectiveness of the NIGC under the Obama administration despite fewer NOVs (notices of violations). He says the agency’s focus on training has reduced these kinds of incidents. He spoke with GGB Publisher Roger Gros at the annual Indian Gaming tradeshow in San Diego in early April.