Merkur Gaming and its subsidiary Sunshine Games have been sneaking up on the U.S. market. With the backing of the legendary Gauselman Group from Europe, those who aren’t paying attention to this talented organization do so at their own risk. Mike Halverson has been brought on board to develop the next generation of games for Merkur. While the philosophy has been taking baby steps, Halverson understands what works in the U.S. market, and along with Merkur CEO Charles Hiten, he’s plotted a strategy to make Merkur a major player in the U.S. in a few years. Halverson spoke with GGB Publisher Roger Gros at the NIGA trade show in Las Vegas in early April.
GLOBAL GAMING BUSINESS PODCAST: Mike Halverson, Chief Development Officer, Sunshine Games LLC
This week, the GGB Podcast features an interview with Mike Halverson, the chief development officer for Sunshine Games, which is a subsidiary of Merkur Gaming and Gauselman Group, a major slot company in Europe.