Google Reveals Ad Placement for Sports Betting in Delaware

The new year brought the approval of Google Ads for sports betting in tiny Delaware, once the ads meet the accreditation and standards of the Google policy.

Google Reveals Ad Placement for Sports Betting in Delaware

Google, the ubiquitous, can partner with Delaware to sell sports betting ads to drive business. Eligibility requires approval by the Google Ads gambling and games policy and accreditation.

To receive certification, sportsbooks  must adhere to Google’s policy as well as requirements specific to each country, in this case, the United States.

Sportsbook operators turn in an online gambling application. State-run organizations have a different application form, as do social casino game operators.

The state may be the first during its revolutionary war days, but when it comes to sports betting Delaware ranks 29th to approve mobile wagering.

This past August, Rush Street Interactive took over the role of the official online gaming vendor for the Delaware State Lottery. Delaware’s retail sports betting launched in 2018, But it’s only recently embracing mobile wagering with the introduction of BetRivers’ betting app.