An ad hoc committee called the Hamptons Neighborhood Group, composed of 140 property owners in the Hamptons, New York, have formed to address the Shinnecock Indian Nation’s proposed casino.
The tribe in February proposed a 76,000 square foot casino and entertainment center on their reservation that would offer bingo, 1,000 video lottery terminals, Texas hold ‘em, restaurants, and entertainment.
Local politicians as Supervisor Schneiderman and State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele Jr. have announced opposition.
When they announced their casino, the tribe released this statement: issued a statement saying that its ancestral lands were taken from them “many years ago” and that “New York state has refused to meet with us regarding stolen land claims that were filed over many decades. We have tried to resolve these issues over the last decade by proposing to find more suitable locations on Long Island, but were rebuffed. We have waited long enough and have decided to proceed here on our territory.”