Klondike Short on Cash

The Nevada Gaming Control Board has filed an eight-count complaint against the Klondike Sunset Casino in Henderson, Nevada, saying it did not keep enough cash on hand to pay winning gamblers.

Shortfall of more than ,000

The Klondike Sunset Casino in Henderson, Nevada, has been cited by the state Gaming Control Board for not keeping a minimum bankroll to pay off winning customers. According to the eight-count complaint, on occasion the casino has been short by more than $25,000.

Casino owner Ellen Woodrum has agreed to file a weekly report with the state showing the bankroll on hand, the Las Vegas Sun reported.

According to the terms of the agreement, if the casino fails twice to have adequate cash on hand, its license will be suspended for a week. A third violation would result in a 30-day suspension. In the event of a fourth shortfall, the casino’s license would be surrendered, the Sun reported.

If the Klondike has no violations in the next year, the weekly report will be eliminated. The settlement agreement must also be approved by the state Gaming Commission.

According to the complaint, in February 2013 the bankroll was $25,706 short. Continued violations were discovered after that.