Macau Show Negotiates Government Subsidies

The Macao Gaming Show has negotiated state subsidies to cover some travel and accommodation costs for attendees the November trade event.

The Macao Gaming Show (MGS), begun last November as a local rival to the June G2E Asia trade show and conference, has negotiated official government travel subsidies for attendees of next November’s event. G2E Asia qualified for the same subsidy with the recently completed show at the Venetian.

“Qualified Buyers” may be eligible to receive official state subsidies to cover some or part of their travel and accommodation costs while attending the show. The program is part of the Direccao dos Servicos de Economia’s (DSE) Exhibition Stimulation Program.

The program seeks to enhance the competitive edge of Macau’s convention and exhibition industry and the marketing of Macau as a successful destination city for commerce.


“This is a progressive and welcome initiative from the DSE, and one which makes it even more attractive for what are termed Qualified Buyers to attend Asia’s most significant gaming exhibition,” said Marina Wong, general manager and event director for MGS. “We are currently finalizing the precise level of subsidy, however. To qualify, all air tickets, jetfoil tickets and hotel accommodation in Macau have to be booked through the nominated agents at” 

To fit the criteria for a Qualified Buyer, visitors are required to supply MGS with a letter detailing their involvement in the gaming/leisure/hospitality sectors. This level of verification serves to ensure that our international visitors at MGS are authentic buyers who have influence on the decision-making process.

Wong added, “We are very pleased with the response we have received from exhibitors, visitors, dignitaries and VIPs to the second MGS. There is a real sense of energy and anticipation for the second MGS, and everything it has to offer in terms of new products, new opportunities, networking and access to the real influencers and decision makers in Asia.

“The panel of event organizers and co–organizers behind MGS are considered ‘insiders’ of the Asian gaming industry, and are being heavily supported by all of the regional players. I am confident that MGS will provide a professional platform for the gaming and hospitality sectors based in Asia.”

MGS is being held November 18-20 at the Venetian Macao.