Myanmar Open to Casinos

The Myanmar Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development has announced it will open the door to casinos in the Southeast Asian country after amendments are made to national gaming laws.

Myanmar Open to Casinos

Macau operators taking a look

The government of Myanmar is revising its gaming laws to allow casino operations in the Southeast Asian country, reports the Myanmar Times.

Aung Naing Oo, director-general of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, said the amendment is being introduced by the Ministry of Home Affairs. He said a number of casino operators have shown interest in investing in Myanmar, including companies currently operating in Macau.

Amendments to the Hotel and Tourism Law include a bill that would allow casinos to operate within hotels, the Times reported. Minister for Hotels and Tourism Ohn Maung said in February that the national government is not opposed to casinos in the country—which borders India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand—as a way to boost tourism.

So far, regional and state chief ministers from Mandalay, Tanintharyi, Shan, Kayin and Mon have asked the central government to grant permission for hotel-based casinos in their areas. Two casinos already operate in the country in Myeik, Tanintharyi Region, and in two hotels on Tha Htay and Yadana islands. U Myo Win Than, executive director of the Grand Andaman Resort Hotel on Tha Htay Island told GGRAsia its casino has been operating for 20 years and has paid over $12 million in taxes to the regional government.

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