New Mexico Casino Feeds Hungry

New Mexico’s casinos have closed temporarily, at least until the end of March. Casinos of the Pueblo of Pojoaque have decided to open their pantries and feed the hungry with the food that would have been used in their restaurants and buffets.

Cities of Gold Casino in Santa Fe, and Jake’s Casino in Pojoaque, both in New Mexico have announced they will close temporarily, beginning March 17 until the end of March.

So has the Buffalo Thunder Resort Casino. All three are owned by the Pueblo of Pojoaque, whose governor, Joseph M. Talachy, stated “Our highest priority has always been the health and safety of our team members, our guests and our community.” He added, “We are God willing taking actions now to prevent it from even coming into the Pueblo.”

Talachy has also ordered the casino’s commercial kitchen to stay open and started a meals-on-wheels program for people who are hungry. “We implemented a meals-on-wheels policy so if they need anything I’ve told them give me a call, give our police departments call and we will get you what you need,” he said.