Rhode Island lawmakers have overwhelmingly approved legislation that would enable mobile sports betting registration in the state.
The bills, which await the signature of Governor Gina Raimondo, remove the requirement that sports bettors complete an application at either the Twin River or Tiverton casinos operated by Twin River World Holdings.
Supporters of the bills argued that mobile registration will encourage more people to register and increase the number of bets. About 14,000 applications remain unfinished because no one showed up at a casino to complete them.
Some opponents argue that remote registration is illegal without being passed by the voters. However, counsel for the state Department of Revenue has issued the opinion that the only such requirement is that the server for the wagering be located at a physical casino.
Sports betting began in the state 11 months ago. It is operated by William Hill for the state lottery.
Its legality has been challenged by a lawsuit filed by Dan Harrop who argues that the referendum that approved sports betting was not clear enough in its wording.