Washington Town Gives Card Rooms Helping Hand

Two card rooms in La Center, Washington that have been reeling after an Indian casino opened nearby have been given a temporary tax break by the city government, which depends on them for a large percentage of its revenues.

The city council of La Center, Washington, has voted to give a temporary tax break to help keep two card rooms afloat that provide the lion’s share of the town’s tax revenues.

The council unanimously approved of temporarily providing relief to the card rooms, and to base future taxes on monthly gross revenues. The two card rooms have been in serious straits since an Indian casino opened on the outskirts of the city last year.

The new rates range from 5 percent to 15 percent, with a sliding scale based on the monthly gross revenues. The lowest rate would apply to revenues up to $400,000 and range up to 15 percent for more than $1.3 million.

The measure expires at the end of the year, unless the council renews it.