Multiple Resolutions Passed by Inter-Tribal Council of Five Tribes

It was a productive meeting for the Inter-Tribal Council of Five Tribes, who passed several resolutions, including one supporting the nomination of Sara Hill for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma.

Multiple Resolutions Passed by Inter-Tribal Council of Five Tribes

The Inter-Tribal Council of Five Tribes recently convened for their quarterly meeting at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa, where they unanimously passed multiple resolutions.

This gathering of tribal leaders from the Cherokee Nation, Choctaw Nation, Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Chickasaw Nation and Seminole Nation focused on important issues affecting Native American communities. The council’s resolutions encompassed a diverse range of topics, including judicial nominations, tribal leadership positions, transportation funding and housing assistance.

One of the key resolutions passed by the Inter-Tribal Council was in support of the nomination of Sara Hill for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma. Hill, a Cherokee Nation citizen and former attorney general of the tribe, has been recognized for her extensive knowledge of federal Indian law and her role in defending the Indian Child Welfare Act in the U.S. Supreme Court. If approved, Hill will become the first female, Native federal judge.

In a joint statement, the leaders of the Five Tribes expressed their enthusiasm for Hill’s nomination and urged the United States Senate to swiftly consider and approve her appointment. They emphasized that Hill’s nomination is not only a win for Indian Country but also brings much-needed diversity to the bench.

The council also showed its support for various candidates vying for leadership positions within the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI). As the oldest and largest organization representing tribal governments and communities, NCAI plays a pivotal role in advocating for Native American interests.

The council unanimously supported the candidacy of Mark Macarro for the position of NCAI president, Shannon Holsey for vice president, David Woerz for treasurer, Muscogee Nation Principal Chief David Hill as eastern Oklahoma region vice president of NCAI, and Joe Deere as eastern Oklahoma regional vice president alternate.

During its meeting, the council discussed the allocation of competitive funding authorized by the Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program, also known as the Tribal Transit Program. They urged tribal governments to provide recommendations to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) regarding the disbursement of funds from the recently passed Infrastructure and Jobs Act. The focus of these funds should be on transit-vehicle expansion and replacement, ensuring that Native American communities have access to reliable transportation services.

In addition, the council passed a resolution calling for the reauthorization of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA). This legislation, originally passed in 1996 but expired in 2013, enables tribes to provide essential housing services to their citizens. The council urged Congress to adopt the Senate version of the reauthorization, which does not include any qualifying language that could potentially disadvantage certain federally recognized tribes.

The council also expressed its support for the current image policy of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference (SEAC) regarding the publication of photographs of funerary objects. This policy promotes collaboration and consultation between the research community and tribes when it comes to the appropriate use of such images.

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