Chances are zero for any more casinos in Connecticut without the nod of the federal government. That’s the opinion of Connecticut Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz (l.), who...
The Seminole Tribe will continue to pay $300 million annually to Florida in exchange for blackjack (l.) exclusivity, although it has the right to stop. Still, lawmakers are considering...
A grand opening celebration recently was held for the 8,000 square foot expansion at the Muscogee (Creek) Nation’s Duck Creek Casino (l.) in Beggs, Oklahoma. The enlarged casino floor...
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the right of the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians to open a casino in Central California. The tribe proposes a...
Battle Creek, Michigan area schools are fighting childhood obesity with help from FireKeepers Casino Hotel, which provides carts with healthy snacks kids can eat during the school day and...
Council Oak Steaks and Seafood at the Seminole Hard Rock in Hollywood, Florida will temporarily relocate while the property's $1.5 billion expansion, including a new guitar-shaped hotel tower, is...
The two sides are already embroiled in a dispute over casino revenue sharing. Now the powerful western New York tribe is suing the state over the validity of a...
After more than ten years of litigation the Northern California Guidiville Band of Pomo Indians has acknowledge defeat in its efforts to build a $1.2 billion casino on land...
The city of Ridgecrest and the city’s visitors bureau see a lot to like about a proposal by the Timbisha Shoshone for a casino. The facility would aim at...
A replacement Soboba Casino and Resort being built under construction by the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians is moving ahead briskly. The tribe is confident the replacement will be...
The Tohono O’odham tribe, which operates the Desert Diamond casinos, wants visitors to its casinos, but draws the line at the National Guard. Last week the tribe declared it...
Some Florida lawmakers may push for a special session to resolve the Seminole Compact before the new fiscal year starts, and also before voters may approve on November 6...
The Connecticut legislature is between a rock and a hard place when it comes to gaming bills that pit the two gaming tribes in the state versus MGM Resorts,...
Governor Mary Fallin (l.) signed HB 3375 which allows the state's 60-plus tribal casinos to offer "ball and dice"—roulette and craps—games. They're expected to raise $24 million annually, with...
H.R. 3535, sponsors by Rep. Doug LaMalfa (l.), which would restore federal recognition to California’s Ruffey Rancheria, has been amended to sooth the fears of some who thought it...
In 1968, the Tahlequah, Oklahoma-based Cherokee Nation's budget was $1.1 million, fully government funded. Last year it was $915 million. The economic powerhouse traces its success to 1968, when...
A Washington tribe held an emotional ribbon cutting last week for the first expansion to its year-old casino, ilani (l.). But the topper was the unveiling of the Cowlitz...
The Mashantucket Pequots will soon oversee another attempt by a union to organize its casino workers. The workers of Foxwoods Resort Casino’s Environmental Services Department will vote April 20...
A bill has been introduced in the U.S. House whose purpose is to put land into trust for the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe of Massachusetts. The bill would let them...
A new high limit poker room and VIP lounge (l.) debuted at the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe's Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. The changes are part...